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⚠️ Important Notice authingsadorable.com is the only official website of Things Adorable. Please ensure you shop exclusively on our site to guarantee authenticity and security!!!!! Enjoy free shipping on all Australian orders over $100 AUD and on international orders over $300 AUD. Please note: Free shipping excludes furniture and bulk items.
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Le Toy Van Honeybake Carlo's Gelato new
Le Toy Van Honeybake Carlo's Gelato new
Le Toy Van Honeybake Carlo's Gelato new
Le Toy Van Honeybake Carlo's Gelato new
Le Toy Van Honeybake Carlo's Gelato new
Le Toy Van Honeybake Carlo's Gelato new
Le Toy Van Honeybake Carlo's Gelato new
Le Toy Van Honeybake Carlo's Gelato new
Le Toy Van Honeybake Carlo's Gelato new
Le Toy Van

Le Toy Van Honeybake Carlo's Gelato new

Regular price $49.95 $0.00
Tax included.

Everyone loves gelato, with the Carlos Gelato set. Drizzle your gelato with raspberry or chocolate sauce and you will have a sweet and delicious treat. Create a guilt-free dessert with this wooden gelato set.

Suitable for ages: 3+ years

Product is constructed from: Le Toy Van is a multi-award winning toy producer who ensures fair trading at every stage of production and ethical conditions for their workforce. Their painted wooden toys are made from various materials including certified sustainable plantation rubberwood and non-toxic paint.

Package Dimensions

16.1cm L17.6cm H8.2cm W0.6kg

Product Dimensions

17cm L15.5cm H17cm W

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