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Wooderful Life Sydney Opera House - City Wooden Music Box (Canon in D)
Wooderful Life Sydney Opera House - City Wooden Music Box (Canon in D)
Wooderful Life Sydney Opera House - City Wooden Music Box (Canon in D)
Wooderful Life Sydney Opera House - City Wooden Music Box (Canon in D)
Wonderful Life

Wooderful Life Sydney Opera House - City Wooden Music Box (Canon in D)

Regular price $94.00 $0.00
Tax included.

The iconic Sydney Opera House!

Combining traditional techniques with modern technology, this music box does not need batteries. To see the ferry move, turn the winder under the music box. A knob at the side lets you stop and restart the music any time for added control.

Due to its delicate mechanism, we recommend keeping this on a shelf out of young children's reach.

• Packaged Size: 140x140mm
• Material: Sustainably-sourced timber
• Movement: Character moves along hidden rail
• Music: Variations On The Theme From The Celebrated Canon In D (B) / #0222 

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