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Areaware | David Weeks  Cubebot Milo Micro Robot Toy
Areaware | David Weeks  Cubebot Milo Micro Robot Toy

Areaware | David Weeks Cubebot Milo Micro Robot Toy

Regular price $21.95 $0.00
Tax included.

Can you solve the puzzle?

Inspired by Japanese Shinto Kumi-ki puzzles, Cubebot Milo is a non-traditional take on the toy robot. Cubebot Milo's strong hardwood frame can hold many poses, and his elastic band muscles and durable wooden limbs make him impervious to breakage.

Cubebot is a bendable, foldable robot toy that will withstand generations of play. Cubebot Micro is the smallest of the Cubebot crew. Palm-sized, this teeny Cubebot is perfect to take everywhere you go.

Material: Sustainably-harvested beech wood. Coloured Cubebots are covered with water-based paint.

Dimensions at rest (folded): 3.8cm x 3.8cm cube

Designed by David Weeks for Areaware.

Recommended for ages 3+

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