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⚠️ Important Notice authingsadorable.com is the only official website of Things Adorable. Please ensure you shop exclusively on our site to guarantee authenticity and security!!!!! Enjoy free shipping on all Australian orders over $100 AUD and on international orders over $300 AUD. Please note: Free shipping excludes furniture and bulk items.
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HeyDoodle 123 | DinoRoar - Regular Mat
HeyDoodle 123 | DinoRoar - Regular Mat
HeyDoodle 123 | DinoRoar - Regular Mat

HeyDoodle 123 | DinoRoar - Regular Mat

Regular price $31.95 $0.00
Tax included.

Practice writing the number figures whilst counting to find all items corresponding to it. Can you hear the dinosaurs roar as you identify and colour them in?

And then do it all again by simply washing off the colour.

*Pack includes 1 HeyDoodle Mat (40x30cm), 9 HeyDoodle Markers and a travel pouch.

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