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⚠️ Important Notice authingsadorable.com is the only official website of Things Adorable. Please ensure you shop exclusively on our site to guarantee authenticity and security!!!!! Enjoy free shipping on all Australian orders over $100 AUD and on international orders over $300 AUD. Please note: Free shipping excludes furniture and bulk items.
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PETIT COLLAGE On­The­Go Game Duo­Space Adventure
PETIT COLLAGE On­The­Go Game Duo­Space Adventure

PETIT COLLAGE On­The­Go Game Duo­Space Adventure

Regular price $22.95 $0.00
Tax included.

TWO CLASSIC GAMES IN ONE SET – A cosmic adventure theme adds appeal for kids who love space as they engage in classic gameplay. The wooden pieces and clever printing on the storage bag make it easy to play a version of Tic-Tac-Toe or Snakes and Ladders anywhere!
PLAY & DEVELOPMENT – Games are a wonderful way for children to learn the values of patience, focus, winning and losing with grace, and how to play with others. For younger children, moving the pieces around the game develops hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and color and shape recognition.
THOUGHTFULLY DESIGNED – The pouch is made using recycled PET with a recycled PP cord, and the wooden pieces are made using recycled wood.
PETIT COLLAGE – Petit Collage is all about good design. We combine a modern aesthetic with environmentally conscious manufacturing to create bold, thoughtful products to delight little ones. We strive to make our products beautiful and fun in equal measure.

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