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Pokemon TCG: Deoxys V & Zeraora V Battle Deck
Pokemon TCG: Deoxys V & Zeraora V Battle Deck

Pokemon TCG: Deoxys V & Zeraora V Battle Deck

Regular price $30.00 $0.00
Tax included.

This product listing is assorted and is for 1 (one) item only - comes in 2 possible variants. Variants are chosen at random at time of shipping. We cannot take requests or make exchanges for specific variants.


Meteor Showers and Lightning Storms with Deoxys V or Zeraora V!

Two Mythical Pokémon V are ready to battle! Choose your fighter: Deoxys V leads a team of Psychic types with its cosmic powers, and Zeraora V flashes like lightning across the battlefield to hit for huge damage. Each deck includes useful Item and Supporter cards to keep you pressing the advantage turn after turn!


In each V Battle Deck, you'll find:

  • 1 ready-to-play 60-card deck
  • 3 reference cards
  • 1 rules booklet
  • Single-player playmat
  • Damage counters
  • 1 large metallic coin
  • 1 deck box
  • 1 Quick Guide to unlock the strategies within
  • 1 code card to play this deck online

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